A project for dependency injecting Signal Graphs into components. Builds on top of @rxreact/core.
In your project:
npm install @rxreact/jest-helpers --save
yarn add @rxreact/jest-helpers
RxJS and Jest are peer dependencies and need to be installed separately.
Then import the library:
import { connect, createSignalGraphContext } from "@rxreact/context";
This library is patterned after Redux, where you have a global store for data and business logic, and individual components can connect to that store, add their own local business logic, then inject the results into components for rendering.
Like with Redux, in testing you may wrap a tree of components with a Provider to inject mock versions of your global store.
You can see a full working sample application here.
To set up the rxreact/context
store, you will need a few pieces: a global SignalGraph
, a SignalGraphContext
, and to add the SignalGraphProvider
to your App.tsx
// src/signals/signal-graph.ts
import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { scan, startWith, shareReplay } from "rxjs/operators";
// For typescript, export a type for use by viewModelFactories
export type SignalGraph = ReturnType<typeof signalGraph>;
/** A function to generate the global signal graph */
export const signalGraph = () => {
const onClick$ = new Subject<void>();
// Set up your signal graph
const clickCount$ = onClick$.pipe(
scan(count => count + 1, 0),
// Return all signals you want to expose to components
return {
// src/signals/SignalGraphContext.ts
import { createSignalGraphContext } from "@rxreact/context";
import { signalGraph } from "./SignalGraph";
// Generate and export a context and provider for the graph
export const [SignalGraphContext, SignalGraphProvider] = createSignalGraphContext(signalGraph);
// src/App.tsx
import * as React from "react";
import { SignalGraphProvider } from "../signals/SignalGraphContext";
import ClickCounter from "./ClickCounter";
const App: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
return (
// Any component inside the provider can connect to the graph.
<ClickCounter multiple={3} />
export default App;
import * as React from "react";
import { Observable, combineLatest } from "rxjs";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
import { getProp, connect } from "@rxreact/context";
import { SignalGraph } from "../signals/SignalGraph";
import { SignalGraphContext } from "../signals/SignalGraphContext";
// Set up an interface for your normal props
export interface ClickCounterProps {
multiple: number;
// Set up a different interface for props passed in from the viewModelFactory (this makes typing the viewModelFactory easier)
export interface ClickCounterSignalProps {
clickCount: number;
color: string;
onClick: () => void;
// Your component takes both interfaces as props
export const ClickCounter: React.FunctionComponent<ClickCounterProps & ClickCounterSignalProps> = ({
}) => {
return (
<button onClick={onClick}>Click Me</button>
Clicked <span style={{ color }}>{clickCount}</span> times
// Create (and export for testing) a viewModelFactory that has the signal graph dependency injected into it.
export const viewModelFactory = (
// Pull out individual signals to make it easy to see the dependencies of the component.
{ onClick$, clickCount$ }: SignalGraph,
// The factory can also take an Observable of external props
props$: Observable<ClickCounterProps>
) => {
// Set up any local signals you want
const multiple$ = props$.pipe(getProp("multiple"));
const color$: Observable<string> = combineLatest(clickCount$, multiple$).pipe(
map(([count, multiple$]) => count % multiple$ === 0),
map(isMultiple => (isMultiple ? "red" : "black"))
// Inject signals into the component
return {
// Values
inputs: {
clickCount: clickCount$,
color: color$
// Callbacks
outputs: {
onClick: onClick$
// Default export the connected component, passing in the SignalGraphContext so we know which graph to connect to.
export default connect(SignalGraphContext, viewModelFactory)(ClickCounter);
A function to generate the signal graph
An operator to extract a property from an observable of an object. Useful for pulling a specific prop from an observable of React props.
The name of the object property
Test that an observable did (or did not) emit anything
Test that an observable did (or did not) emit a specific value
Subscribe to the given signal,
so you can use expect(signal$).toEmit()
on it later.
the observable to watch
a hot observable to test against
Generated using TypeDoc
Generate a SignalGraph context and provider to serve connected components.